KBE Asbestos | FAQs


Asbestos is the term commonly given to a group of fibrous, silicate minerals.

They’re referred to by colours predominately, blue, white & brown asbestos, however they are also known in the industry by their trade names such as Amosite, Chrysotile & Crocidolite asbestos amongst others, they are split into 2 groups, one being the amphiboles and the other being serpentine.

They have special properties such as heat resistance, insulation, and soundproofing. Due to these properties, for a long period – particularly in the 20th century up until the 1980s – were used in construction of buildings such as schools, offices and even houses.

Asbestos fibres can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion – and these fibres, when inhaled, are hazardous to human health as they can’t be discarded.

They float around scratching at the lung tissue, this causes scarring which ultimately makes breathing very difficult and can cause various diseases including serious lung diseases such as asbestosis and malignant mesothelioma.

Asbestos materials contain special properties, such as fireproofing and strength, which are desirable for a range of uses in construction, this coupled with the very low cost of the material meant that It was used in hundreds of materials including concrete, corrugated roofing, floor tiles, roof tiles, wall boards, pipe insulation and even acoustical insulation.

The use of asbestos in construction is now banned in many developed countries, including the Australia, because of the health and safety risks. During the 1970s and 1980s it was becoming clearer that asbestos caused lung diseases.

It is difficult to know merely by sight alone if your premises contain asbestos.

However, if your building or home was constructed or had significant building work before the year 1999 it is likely that asbestos may have been used.

If you are concerned about the risk, particularly if you are considering any building work, it is important to contact us here at KBE Contracting who can advise further.

You don’t always have to remove asbestos. It may be possible to encapsulate the material in situ.

Generally, if the asbestos product you have is in a good condition it is advisable to manage it. This means leaving the material in situ and maintaining it to ensure that the material doesn’t degrade and begin breaking up.

If you are planning significant works around the asbestos or in the general area it may be prudent to have the asbestos removed prior to any works being carried out. This then gives you peace of mind that the asbestos is not going to cause any unwanted issues during your building or refurbishment project.

Asbestos removal must be handled by trained specialist, and any waste disposal is strictly regulated, contact us today for a competitive quote on your asbestos removal or asbestos survey requirements.

This depends on your premises, its usage and the location of the asbestos material, or if you’re planning any refurbishments. If there is any risk that asbestos fibres will be released into the atmosphere, they can post a risk to human health and should be treated.

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